Part of the LMAX Group
Regulated by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission

Crypto Trading

  • Trading Crypto Trading features and benefits

    • Regulated, trusted, transparent trading environment
    • One public rulebook applied to all members
    • Central limit order book
    • Streaming firm, deep institutional liquidity
    • Ultra-low latency, consistent execution under 90μs
    • All orders time-stamped in μs (receipt to execution)
    • Safe and secure offline hardware, multi-signature cold wallets & vault storage
    • Full, regulated custody solution
    • Bi-lateral settlement between members
  • Key facts

    • Instruments more

      BTC (Bitcoin), ETH (Ethereum), LTC (Litecoin), BCH (Bitcoin Cash), XRP (XRP) – against USD, EUR, JPY, GBP; and SOL (Solana), MATIC (Polygon), LINK (Chainlink), PYTH (Pyth Network) – against USD.
      download instrument list

    • Fee schedule more

      Committed makers

      Passive Aggressive
      Free 3bps

      Non-committed makers and takers

      Traded volume* Passive Aggressive
      < $100m 2bps 6bps**
      > $100 < $200m 2bps 4bps
      > $200m 2bps 3bps

      * Traded volume (calculated as passively and aggressively matched orders in aggregate) will be reviewed monthly

      Clients, meeting the stated volume discount thresholds, will be rebated monthly on a retrospective basis

      Discounts will be applied on a back to zero volume basis

      **Commission of 6bps will be levied at point of trade on all aggressively matched orders

    • Access and connectivity more

      Cross connect at LD4 and internet

      LMAX FIX 4.2 /4.4

      REST/Websocket API

      API (Java, .Net)


      web GUI


    • Mobile trading more

      LMAX Digital mobile app suite provides continuous access to LMAX Digital markets for real-time monitoring and trading crypto currencies, alongside VWAP market data and proprietary crypto currency market research.

      AppStore     Android

    • Trading hours more

      24 hours, 7 days a week, except 17:00 – 17:05 EST/EDT daily.

    • Min. trade size more

      0.01 coins (BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH, SOL); 1 coin (XRP), 0.1 coin (MATIC, LINK, PYTH)

    • Settlement more

      Up to T+1

    • Execution schematic

    • Custodian solution schematic launch

Daily volumes Daily
LMAX Digital is part of the LMAX Group Regulated by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission

I'm considering opening an account, please contact me.

T: +44 33 3700 4096 - E: [email protected]
